Share your Story – Let your Vulnerability Heal the World!

You can’t get to courage without walking through vulnerability
-Brené Brown

I have got a real time experience living this quote! I believe it is our vulnerability that makes us stronger from inside and just shows how human we are!

I am a part of a tribe who are on their way to become ‘lightworkers’. Yes, I can see a few eyebrows raising and a few of you smirking. But this is my truth and I have come to accept it proudly.


This is a wonderful tribe at the University of Wellness Holistic Life Coach Certification and some of their stories are truly heart breaking. A bunch of 25 some women who have gone through some real hardships in life and struggling with their truth today. And I love my tribe here – sharing our vulnerabilities, being there for each other and above all that one single thread that connects us all together – our intense inner drive to heal! Heal ourselves, heal each other and in the end heal the world!

These women decided to transform their adversity into a miracle minded life! They chose to look at their darkest times as a blessing and kept on asking what I have learnt from this phase of my life? They chose to rise up and shine and not let the low tide wilt them. They decided to look at the light instead of rotting in the dark.

And it is in the lowest of our times that we realize life’s true worth and what we are here for!

Till date I kept it under covers and was ashamed that I am on this spiritual path. I constantly worried about what will the world say and how will my loved ones react. But no more. We have not been sent to this earth to do a 9 to 5 job which we hate and pay our bills. All of us have a bigger life purpose in life and we need to attune to it. What is that thing which you will do for free for your entire life? Which is that intense calling in your life? What is your higher purpose in life? It does not have to be spiritual, but it will be something that will make the world a better place. Teaching, dancing, singing, cooking – it can be anything!

Also remember you don’t have to do this life purpose for ‘free’! I am not asking you to leave your job and start doing something for free. No. Your life purpose will give you abundance too so that you will be able to influence more people with better means.

I am telling my story today because it might show a ray of sunshine to someone. It was during the darkest of my times when I started on this path and I have never been so elated till date! It is my vulnerability that led me to this path and I am so glad today that I awakened to my real life’s purpose. I feel transformed and free only because I said yes to this call in my life.

I have a bigger story to tell on how I transformed my darkness into light and that I will share soon. But if you have a story of your vulnerability, share it with the world. You never know who will be healed with your story and how someone’s life may change by listening to your story.


So what personal story are you sharing with the world today?

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